If you want to take a deeper dive into the world of yoga, meditation and breath-work, then you can start here with these articles and my book suggestions but there is so much more out there!
Reading recommendations
Light on Life by BKS Iyenga
Breathe by James Nestor
Think Like A Monk by James Shetty
The Inner Gym by Light Watkins
The Art of Happiness by the Dalai Lama
The Four Pillar Plan by Rangan Chattergee
This Is Your Mind on Plants by Michael Pollan
The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel van der Kolk
The Science behind Yoga and Breathwork
Peer reviewed science is now catching up with the ancient craft of yoga and mindful breathing.
If you’d like to take a deeper dive into this space, you will find some informative articles here.
Yoga benefits beyond the mat, Harvard Health Publishing
When science meets mindfulness, Harvard Gazette
13 Benefits of Yoga That Are Supported by Science, Healthline
The New Science Behind Yoga, The Yoga Institute
“Yoga moves the body to quieten the mind”